This Is Where We Live

This Is Where We Live

This Is Where We Live is a video project that aired at the Garneau Theatre on Nov. 22, 2022 and is available for viewing at the link below

  • This Is Where We Live began as a theatre pilot project, with the intent of piloting a process for interviewing people experiencing homelessness, creating monologues from those interviews, and hiring actors to deliver those monologues to a live audience. We wanted to see if delivering stories in this way could avoid the automatic judgement of the audience.
  • Due to COVID, the project partners decided to self-fund an evolution of the project into a video format. Actors were hired and rehearsed on Zoom, and their monologues recorded to camera. 
  • Due to learnings by the project partners, and for a greater appreciation for a concept called ethical relationality, the process was changed to de-center the artist’s idiosyncratic viewpoint for the creation of monologues. Each interview transcript was reviewed and highlighted by third parties, their input was used to create scripts, and the scripts were read back to the interviewees before taping. 

To view the film, you can click on the link below. 

The film was funded by the Edmonton Arts Council, the Edmonton Coalition on Housing and Homelessness, Don Bouzek of Ground Zero Productions, and myself. For a full list of credits, please see the film.